It’s time for *me* to go Beyond the Book.
There are a lot of courses on how to grow your readership as an author. There are even more books, webinars, and podcasts.
But what about a deck of cards?
Meet Author Decks. It’s a new company I’m starting with David Viergutz, multi-seven figure author and creator of ScareMail, to make author education fun and accessible to all.
And when I say accessible… we mean it. Every Author Deck will be available digitally 100% for free.
Yep… you can’t beat that price!
And the great news… the first launch from Author Decks is coming next month.
It’s called Author Marketing Superpowers: 50 essential lessons to grow your readership and income delivered in a beautifully illustrated deck of cards.
And it’s written by me, Michael Evans, and designed by a team of wonderful illustrators.
It gives you more value than most author marketing courses that cost hundreds of dollars completely for free.
It gives you actionable insights and inspiration at any stage of your author journey. Whether you are trying to find your first readers, position your book to stand out in the marketplace, or scale your readership using advanced tactics (I learned a lot of these while helping the largest creator in the world grow their audience over 10 million new followers each month).
It gives you essential concepts fast. Spend minutes learning each lesson rather than hours sifting through books, podcasts, and courses for that one key insight you need to unlock growth in your business.
And it makes learning fun! Nothing beats a beautiful illustration and concise, digestible lesson that helps you to unleash each superpower in your author business!
Now although we are giving away the digital cards for free, we also want to give you all the opportunity to hold a physical pack of the Author Marketing Superpowers. Think of it as your "desk-side sidekick".
That’s why I’m running a Kickstarter campaign, launching in the middle of March. You can follow it here so you are notified the second the campaign launches 😊 (there are some limited benefits that may sell out fast!).
***The whole goal of this Kickstarter campaign is to provide bonuses, physical card decks, and guided workshops and challenges to authors who want to further immerse themselves in the 50 marketing superpowers.***
Each of the 50 cards contains:
4 x 6 inches with ample room for learnings (nearly twice the size of a normal deck of cards)
A definition of each superpower and why it matters
A custom illustration, with many featuring our mascot: the Author Sidekick
Key steps, breakdowns, and in-depth frameworks to help you understand each superpower
Takeaways you can implement into your author business
Book marketing doesn't have to be scary. Book marketing doesn't have to be boring and complicated. Instead, book marketing is supposed to be something that allows you to share your superpowers with the world.
So... what is your author marketing superpower? Join us inside the Author Marketing Superpower Deck to find out!
I’d super appreciate it if you shared this Kickstarter campaign with your author friends who want to grow their readership with less stress and more fun!
For folks who are paid members of Sidekick Plus (you can get 20% off for lifetime at under $5/month till the end of February), this month’s workshop taking place from 5 pm to 6:30 pm ET this Friday is on 10 Bonus Author Marketing Superpowers.
The workshop will be recorded and made available to Sidekick Plus members. You can join here and support me in my journey to bring Power to Storytellers and create the best possible education, technology, and community to help authors grow their business 💙.
And that’s it for this one!
If you have any questions at all about Author Decks or our upcoming Author Marketing Superpowers launch, I’d love to answer. Just comment on this post or reply to this email!
Tomorrow, I’ll be back with our latest edition of Author Sidekick. It’s a “shorter” article as opposed to the massive essays I’ve shared the last few weeks, but just as helpful.
It shares all about how and why I changed the name of this newsletter to Author Sidekick by Michael Evans and how you can better brand yourself as an author. It also gives you a sneak peek at one of the superpowers inside the Author Marketing Superpowers Deck 😁.
In the meantime, don’t forget…
Together we are boundless,
Michael Evans
The Author Sidekick
P.S. If you haven’t yet watched my podcast with David Viergutz on how he started and scaled his story letter business, ScareMail, to seven-figures, then you can do so here.
P.P.S. Shout out to the incredible
who gave me the advice to change the branding of this very newsletter.